Joc Deluxe Canyon Road Train and Track Table,SP754700
Joc Deluxe Canyon Road Train and Track Table,SP754700
Joc Deluxe Canyon Road Train and Track Table,SP754700
Joc Deluxe Canyon Road Train and Track Table,SP754700
Joc Deluxe Canyon Road Train and Track Table,SP754700
Joc Deluxe Canyon Road Train and Track Table,SP754700
Joc Deluxe Canyon Road Train and Track Table,SP754700
Joc Deluxe Canyon Road Train and Track Table,SP754700
Joc Deluxe Canyon Road Train and Track Table,SP754700
Joc Deluxe Canyon Road Train and Track Table,SP754700
Joc Deluxe Canyon Road Train and Track Table,SP754700
Joc Deluxe Canyon Road Train and Track Table,SP754700
Joc Deluxe Canyon Road Train and Track Table,SP754700
Joc Deluxe Canyon Road Train and Track Table,SP754700
Joc Deluxe Canyon Road Train and Track Table,SP754700
Joc Deluxe Canyon Road Train and Track Table,SP754700 Joc Deluxe Canyon Road Train and Track Table,SP754700 Joc Deluxe Canyon Road Train and Track Table,SP754700 Joc Deluxe Canyon Road Train and Track Table,SP754700 Joc Deluxe Canyon Road Train and Track Table,SP754700 Joc Deluxe Canyon Road Train and Track Table,SP754700 Joc Deluxe Canyon Road Train and Track Table,SP754700

Joc Deluxe Canyon Road Train and Track Table

Acest produs nu mai face parte din oferta


Credit module tbi bank 3.3.5

194.87 Lei x 4 rate


Dimensiuni: 43.5 x 100.3 x 110.2 cm.

Este compus dintr-o masa de mari dimensiuni cu mai multe nivele de trasee.

Traseul incorporat si cele 7 poduri nedetasabile asigura atat placerea copiilor cat si comoditatea parintilor: aspectul ramane intact, piesele nu pot fi inlocuite sau pierdute iar masa poate fi depozitata sau montata cu usurinta.

Are o placa alba solida ce poate fi pusa deasupra transformand masa intr-o masa pentru activitati diverse.

Inaltimea masutei permite copilului sa se joace confortabil iar designul orizontal asigura accesul la centrul ei de catre copiii mai mici.

Accesoriile includ un set de tren cu 3 piese si 3 masinute.

Acest produs rezista foarte bine in timp si poate fi curatat cu usurinta.

Este usor de asamblat de catre un adult

Varsta: 3 +


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